Saturday, December 4, 2010

A few pictures

At a tiny cybercafe on the equally tiny Ile du Goree off of the Dakar harbor: Cant figure out punctuation on this keyboard so be content that you are getting As instead of Qs qnd vice versq ** see what i mean§

Anyway, just wanted to give you a bit of a taste of what Ive been up to for the last week.

First pic is of me and Uncle Negro with some of the elders of Jingbe-Yiri, the section (like a clan) of Wa that he is from.

The second is my conquest of Burkina Faso (country number 39).
I may not have gotten my passport stamped, but I was there, dammit.

And the last is of our stop at one of the oldest mud-and-stick mosques in the world -- and its still in daily use by the local community.

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